Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 2 in the Islands

Sunday another long Methodist service at the church in Yalombi. Ledua did translate the passage the Pastor was speaking on Zechariah 8:16, so I followed along somewhat and read the scriptures.(I tried to apply this to what I knew was going on in the village)Monday we did more visitation through the village and we have been so warmly welcomed everywhere. The people are so kind and generous.We have also continued with kids club. Dan and Jarryl (our new names for them for some reason we have all picked up on this and find it very funny) will be coming back to Yalombi today. While in Lautoka she got intravenous fluids and antibiotics and is doing much better . We are looking forward to their return and have missed them. You really do become a close family over time and circumstances. Tuesday a group of us headed out early in the morning by boat to Naluwaki for a youth camp. We are going to do the Sin Chair skit and give our testimonies.When we arrived it was my turn to be sick...The team prayed for me and I felt better so Keisha and I went out in the village for some visitation until noon. I almost made it but my intestines where not happy with the situation so we headed back to the pastors house where we would be staying the night. Soon others were returning and they decided to walk over the hill (7 minute Fijian time and 30 minute our time LOL) to the Octopus Resort after we had lunch.

What a spread they put out for us! There was raw clams in lemon juice, fried fish, baked fish,fish head soup and cassava.Some very good lemon juice also. I split my small piece of fish with Christie and tried some of the clams and juice. Not long after ingesting my food it was all ready to come back out. Christie and I stayed back from the hike to Octopus, not feeling well. We both slept hard until the others returned. Then we were off to the church for a special service. The service went from 7pm till 10:30 pm, we went back to Pastors house to rest and Christie and I were out for the night. Ledua came and got everyone else for the dinner prepared by the villagers and they had some skits and lots of laughter. Bill had said we would sleep in and be ready to go around 8am. In the morning around 7 Ledua is calling us all saying the boat is ready lets go! We went out quickly and had some tea with the Pastor and thanked him for his hospitality then back in the boat. The boat trip went all the way around the island so we got to see Natawa from the sea and then arrived in Yalombi in time for lunch. Christie and I were feeling a little better now. This was going to be the last Kids Club and they would be making the bracelets that share the gospel through their color. Gold for the kingdom, dark/black for sin, red for the blood of Christ, clean/white for believing and having faith and then green for our growing in the knowledge of the Lord. I prepared everything and then rested more. We were all getting packed up as well so we could take off the next afternoon.
Thursday afternoon and the Chief and villagers all came out to say good bye to us and gave us shell necklaces. We were all invited back and had some very nice relationships started. All the luggage was put in the bow of the boat again and we began loading. Out we went to meet the big ship at 3:00 we got to the meeting point and waited. At 4:15 the ship finally showed up, we had been kidding around singing the theme song from Gilligan's Island (especially a 3 hour tour!) and seeing which character each of us was. Lots of fun waiting on the open sea in a small fishing boat!!! LOL Getting on the ship was so nice. We all felt some sort of relief. We would be going back to Lautoka for the next 10 days to continue visitations and Kids Club.

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