Monday, April 12, 2010


So I thought traveling would be pretty cool and it was with a few minor glitches. I thought my flight would leave at 9:20 from Manila but we left at 10:30 so....I was at the airport at 6:00 to get everything checked in! If you can believe this I was through all of it by 6:30 and waiting for my flight. Our flight was quicker than the flight there only 11 hours so I left Manila at 10:30pm on the 8th and got into San Fran at 7:30pm on the 8th(I got to live the day again only in an airport!can you say groundhog day..hehehe) I had to wait for the flight to Kona in the am at 9:00. The flight was over booked and very risky for stand by. God is so good! They had one empty seat and it was in first class! Wow! I felt so spoiled and very out of place.
So I arrived at the airport in Kona and was just amazed and in some kind of culture shock I believe, little huts as terminals (hehehe ) the other airports were so big and this one so laid back and small.
I collected my bags and found a taxi to the campus. Another God thing here, I asked how much cause I only had 33.00 American dollars and the rest in Philippine pesos. The driver said that was about right so on we went.I kept watching the meter go up and when it passed my 33.00 amount I thought God how am I going to pay for this, silly question I know....So I get out and tell the driver (who as we talked on the drive told me he is Filipino and knew the places I had been but was from another province)I only have 33.00 dollars and he said " oh I can take the pesos I will use them on my vacation! "Thank you LORD!
At this point I think I have basically been up for 2 days traveling and catching a cat nap here and there! I must have looked like a new student because the most wonderful young man walked by and asked if I needed some help. Again thank you LORD. I said I was a CROSSROADS Student and looking for Bob Hopkins. He took my bags and said follow me everyone is at lunch (to me it is around 11:00 pm Filipino time)I followed and we found Bob in a round about way. I had some salad one of the students offered me and then Bob took me to our room, which happens to be a new building and all the way at the top of the campus.(I am going to get in shape if nothing else!)
We walk in and I am introduced to 6 other women I will be living in community with for the next 5 months, 3 of those with one bathroom and who knows on outreach. Their response " your not Filipino!" I guess since I was coming from the Philippines they thought I was Filipino! We had a meeting around 3 and then dinner and opening night, the Holy Spirit's presence was so powerful and I was washed over with such a peace that after (I think I am close to 3 days now without much sleep) sleep came and all was well. Remember the heat from the Philippines? Well I slept with a light blanket and it was so wonderful!!! Sorry no pictures but soon I will post some.
I am still praying for support and trusting God for His provision. May you feel the peace of His presence in your life.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Birthday-Welcome -Going away Party

So we had the party of all parties! Sonny's Birthday, the BAS Team arrived from India and saying good-bye to me. What a great night of friends, food and fellowship. Some of the women from 12th street were there as well as Irene and her family from the Lotus Foundation. What a talented group they are from BAS singing and playing. We also played a great game however my team did not win. I will be packing and getting ready to go to Kona now. The party was on Monday and Tuesday I am taking lumpia and Turon to the women's bible study on 12th street for another goodbye. Meeting new people is great , it is saying goodbye that hurts. Let these pictures speak for themselves. Needless to say I did shed some tears. What a blessing these women have been to my life!

Pictures from Easter

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Team arrives and Easter Sunday

The BAS (Birth Attendant School) Team arrived late Friday night from India and Tanzania, 12 of them with 7 more to follow in a week. What an amazing group of people. I have enjoyed getting to know them and hear of what they have been experiencing in India and in Tanzania. We all rose at 4am to get down to the beach for CRC's Sonrise Service for Easter Sunday. Half of us went in the van and the other half got a jeepney down to the bridge near the gate of the Freeport Zone (the old Navy Base) and Sonny went and picked them up after dropping us.
Wonderful time of worship and word. When we got back Leslie and Sonny surprised the team with an Easter egg hunt! What fun, Buddy even got in on the egg hunt.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A BIG day at The Project Life Center

The high speed machines were delivered today, Wed. March 31st 2010. What an exciting time for the Livelihood Ministry. The guys were there to learn how they are put together and 3 of the main sewers were there to start training. There will be about 10 trained to start with. They will also be training some for accounting and marketing. It was so nice to sit and have lunch with them after a long morning and hear them discuss ideas they have for marketing certain areas of business. This is how you can help people help themselves! This is such a great project.