Monday, March 8, 2010

Some are sent and some send.....

Last night we had a great party! Many preparations were made. We bought this beautiful material from Baugio, which they are famous for weaving and made table runners for all the tables. Candles were placed at the centers, sound and power point set up, and cooking for hours by Melinda and Mercy(oh did it smell wonderful).
The guests(pastors,businessmen,friends and family) began to arrive and we visited for awhile. Time to eat! the food was ready..oh my goodness everything was so good! We had lumpia (a version of spring rolls) my favorite so good! jasmine rice (which is quite the staple here, don't think we have had a meal without it yet)vegetable stir fry, bbq chicken and beef stew. I just kept doesn't help that I adore food, so now I am quite stuffed. But no here comes the banana cake and fruit salad....I am sure I can find room somewhere!
With full stomachs and quieted appetites we all stand and worship the Lord who has brought us together for the evening, what an incredible time of praise and His presence. Leslie then begins her power point and educates the guests about missions and where in the world they are going. I am surprised to find that most missionaries and most funding as well go to places that have heard of our Savior and less than .01 percent go to places the Savior is not known! I am also surprised by what a large area there is still that has no knowledge of the Lord. I believe she said they number a little over 6000 different people types that have not heard the gospel.
Pastor Jesses' turn, the reason for this gathering....there are those who are sent and then there are those who send. We are here to send Gaye Anne to Frontiers Missions in China.
She will be going for 3 months of teaching and training and then a 2 year outreach underground in China! Can you even imagine, I know I am having trouble wrapping my head around that one. Underground? She will miss worship as we have just had the most, she could be imprisoned for such a thing! But still she is going...and we are sending her (the pastors,businessmen, friends and family)
In closing this blog I would like each of you to pray and ask God Are you being sent? Are you being a sender?or Nothing right now my child and then in obedience to Him do what He asks of you. The blessings will overflow in your life from your obedience to our Creator.
In His hands always

1 comment:

  1. hi there lee,
    very exciting to hear of you adventures for Christ... you are in my prayers!!!
    love, terig
    im having trouble posting message had to go under anonymos?
    God Bless you!!!
