Friday, March 26, 2010

Busy Bee!

So I have been a busy bee in the office for the last couple weeks. I have been organizing the main office as well as the Sponsorship Ministry. Leslie left for Perth, Australia to teach for a week at the YWAM base for Birth Attendants School. So I spent most of my time that week in the office. The school year ends this month and we are getting all the report cards together and letters to sponsors out in the mail!
I also had a chance to go visit families in their homes, I have attached a couple of videos (for some reason I lost the audio in transfer so..)

I was so blessed by the hospitality shown to me. I visited 10 families on Saturday the 13th and then 11 more on Saturday the 20th. I was able to pray with them and learn more about their lives. They are a very warm people and very kind. My main purpose in visiting was to build relationships with the families. I also was the bearer of bad news since the school year ends so does their sponsorship, so we prayed that sponsors would be available for the next school year. They also asked for us to pray for their families health, the sewers in this area and most areas here, are open trenches under the sidewalks. The people are malnourished and do not have strong immune systems therefore open wounds are infected easily and bacterial infections as well as lice and scabies are dominant in the area.
I was accompanied by Tina, she is one of the first converts of 12th street and now in a leadership position. We had one scary moment when we were chased by dogs at one of the homes(even scarrier due to the fact that Tina is crippled on one side of her body and cannot move very fast) we prevailed Praise God, someone called the dogs off! Since we were all so busy this week I was on my own travel wise and learned the Jeepney and trike routes very well. I have a short video of one of my trike rides for you to see.

Well, my time is drawing to an end here and I will be going to Kona to begin my Crossroads DTS. I am still not fully funded and trusting God for His provision. I am sure that He has called me to go to Kona so I will go and do the possible and leave the impossible (for me) to Him.
In closing I leave you with this quote again
"May you be covered by the dust of your Rabbi."

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